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:: Monday, December 11, 2000 ::

ewee, welcome back to the land online. it's nice to hear your rants again. damn the healthy thoughts for the holidays, too. i say if you gotta be healthy all the time, what fun is it anyway? don't feel too bad about shopping at the gap, a pair o' pants or a stripy shirt here and there isn't going to wreck anyone's life. i've been a lot happier since i decided a few months ago to be less politically correct. plus i have some exciting polyester clothes (ooo synthetics).

i was worried that moley had taken a serious turn for the worse when i hadn't heard from you for some time. i was about to e-mail you. i'm happy to hear that she's hanging in there and still has her happy face on as much as she can. i agree with you, take some cues from her and relish what you have. i've been thinking about this lately, in some ways it's harder to see a pet through this than a person - you've got to have all the pain for the two of you, 'cause she can't really know what's going on in the same way you do. with a person, i guess it's more mutual, you're both sad. i don't know, i could be way off base here...

anyway, what works to get through the holidays? family in small measured doses to keep the guilt at bay? long walks? lots of good friends? give yourself lots of time, lots of downtime, lots of peace if you can. i'm trying to make soap for everyone with toys in it, and the craftiness is fun and cathartic (i think that's the word). i think i'm gonna print out some of your gift wrap for it...

banjo boy had a couple of my books and a cd jewel case which i found shoved through my cat door tonight (i started locking the back door after the kinko's receipt incident). i mean the bag was halfway across the kitchen floor. i think he has so much hostility towards me or anger somehow (frustration at his own ability to express himself?), but doesn't have any idea how to express it. fuck 'im though, it's not my job to figure him out. i don't need that.

if you get a chance, see billy elliott. i didn't see charlie's angels, but i did see unbreakable, which was sixth sense with some different characters. dancer in the dark was incredible and depressing. if that's the kind of thing that works for you to take your mind off shit (it is for me), then do it. take a day off work, call in sick (mental health counts!!!).

ok, enough rambling. glad to hear from you again ewee!

:: wendy 7:11:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::

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