:: Friday, August 10, 2001 ::
flattery will get you everywhere
shtanks to jill fer making my day. apologies for the silent ether on my end. been swampy/busy and a bit hermit-like. few good reads have been: poisonwood bible by barbara kingsolver and song of solomon by toni morrison. both amazing books -- great escape from life, and just amazing wordsmiths both. titles that seemed fitting: things fall apart by chinua achebe and briefing for a decent into hell by doris lessing. achebe's book is brilliant -- read it. just starting on lessing, and fear i may not make it out (is an "inner space" voyage into the mind of a madman really so wise, when we're all mad and on the verge as it is???).
will get cracking on the swag, and yes, of course i take paypal.
new question: anybody know a good sticker printing vendor? cool, union, environmental, cheap... (I can dream about it).
had another idea for my spurious contest series, so i'll get to that soon too. also been working on plenty for pro bono projects -- as my cousin pointed out i must like what i do enough to do it for free, cuz, uh, i am (doing it for free, that is -- no, i don't have time for more pro bono werk, sorry).
two things that i'm rather proud of:
my template won the blogger template design contest! -- you can see what i submitted here (they changed it a bit), and here's one in use (it's so cute!).
the other is a cd cover i'm working on for green girl records. so far i've just finished the illustration, but i'm in love with the kids. mebbe i am maternal, after all.
guess i'd better get back to werk, and thanks for the kick in the pants, jill, will try to be less lax in my blogging duties...
:: ewee 4:57:00 PM [+]
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