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:: Wednesday, January 16, 2002 ::

but home at last. and thanks to some spam fried rice (gotta go grocery shopping) and a tecate with lime, i'm fairly content after a grumpy day. kehoe is snoring deeply on the bed, and i'm all happy about her cuteness. she and bask provided valuable socialization to the pups at the shelter today (such sacrifice). especially bask as he's a bit bigger and less likely to wiggle. had the odd experience of meeting a dog that looked uncannily like my childhood dog.

been a little unfair to kehoe -- either i'm distraught thinking about what she might have that might ail her (now or in the future), or i'm startled that she's not as grown up as satchmo. not sure why i'm all daydreamy about moley wole. suppose i'm missing her, and my ovaries are just fueling the fire. this doesn't seem to be my hyper productive ovary. which means it's my sure emotional wreck ovary. oh joy.

and just what is it that causes the lapse in memory? it seems like *every* month i'm shocked by my friendly monthly pal. i mean it's only been 144 months since it started (really -- i was nine). hum.

and mighty slim pickins by way of recently updated friendly blogs/sites. will they hurry up and post something all ready???

:: ewee 12:35:00 AM [+] :: 0 comments ::

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