:: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 ::
tuttifrutti di mare
phew. had a bit of the pacific up to my eyeballs today. tried crawling *under* the pipes at fort fun (in the name of assisting pedro), and found myself facing a huge oncoming wave. managed (barely) to keep my footing, tho i was soaked literally from head to toe (the wave was strong enough to pick me up and throw me back into the pipes!). pedro somehow recovered without a hitch, and kehoe swam by as tho she'd been doing it her whole life. i got some weird stares, and had to trudge all the way back to the parking lot with sand/ocean coming out my ears, but the worst thing was my very non waterproof cellphone got thoroughly submerged and is now making an odd crackling noise... big bag of downers.
well, at least i got to try out todd's (pedro's) car's heated seats (no lie!). and i can't help but laugh at it all -- especially the vision of kehoe serenely swiming past me. the cell phone is a bit of a hardship tho. and i'm a bit useless tonight (kehoe's been passed out since our walk).
:: ewee 11:29:00 PM [+]
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