:: Friday, August 16, 2002 ::
so hubie's gone [aug 14, 2002 just before 4pm]. sat with him and played and sketched him for an hour or so. the sedatives made him stumbly and heavy. bit unable to fathom the loss. where there once was a doofy clumsy living being, now i only have photos [never enough] and sketches. can only let it in through a tiny crack. too suffocating otherwise. taking comfort in kehoe, bask, little ruby-una-cricketty [who's off getting "tutored" today...gulp!], and some maudlin korean soaps.
the update so far for "Yuri Goodu" [Glass Slipper]: our protagonists [two young sisters -- poor, but with a rich grandfather who has disowned their father because he married the woman he loved] are bereft -- their father is suffering from cancer [or something] and if that's not good enough, he gets hit by a car in a snowstorm [he decides to walk home through a snowstorm...], and their mother died [also in a snowstorm] giving birth to the younger daughter.
so you can see how it's cheering me up, right?
:: ewee 12:19:00 PM [+]
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