:: Monday, August 05, 2002 ::
shiva the destroyer
puppy puppy has gotten a few more nicknames over the weekend:
- shiva the destroyer
- daisy mayhem
- unagi [una for short]
as you might've guessed, she's a bit like an eel hiding in the rocks, waiting to wreak havoc and mayhem and destruction. but yes, all in a cute way.
so i'm home sick today, wasting a gorgeous day, but catching up on some email and some blogs. still struggling with my computer, but managing to get by. had a lovely time this weekend -- saw miz mrq and hubbie, along with the best kid in the universe, kirk [can't they all be like him?], and a bigdog chunkers [lovechop!]. still staying relatively low tech lately -- more time with the dogs, less on the computer. well, most of the time.
dees is stressed, as usual. she too has been sick, but keeps on slogging through. we've fired our therapist, and now just spend our weekends together. it's like a long distance relationship without the phone bills. gearing up to re-enter the "real world" workforce, as my money is dribbling out [dare i cash in another retirement account?]. the way i figure it, i could get more hours shoveling shit, but i'd still have to give up eating so much. and you know me. i must have my meat. oh, which was another delightful thing this weekend. steak and ribs for dinner. yum! chris, kirk and i bonded over the existence of a meat sampler plate. i guess this is what they mean by community.
:: ewee 4:13:00 PM [+]
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