:: Tuesday, October 22, 2002 ::
brave lovechop
and as usual, my sweetie pie houndy impressed me to no end by sitting in my kayak as we puttered around tomales bay. it was a little choppy, so she had more than a few waves break over her head. and she was pretty nervous -- crying quietly much of the time. but she was so good! she didn't get sick, she didn't dump us over (tho i think she thought about it), and she didn't freak out! what a good doggie. she even lay down in the boat for part of the ride, and was for the most part very sweet and calm. mainly, she wanted to stay close to dees's boat, and was estatic to get to shore. she's a beach babe, and i'm soooo proud of her!
:: ewee 2:22:00 PM [+]
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