:: Monday, October 21, 2002 ::
we saw, we ate, we conquered. 150 oysters down various hatches. remarkably, I forgot to bring my camera (I brought everything else including a wetsuit and a boogie board), so no photos. ah well, you had to be there...
this year, we convened at bolinas beach -- a stomach-wrenching ride outside of sf -- it was fun and gorgeous. we even got to watch the nearly full moon rise over the headlands. kehoe, pedro, and chula were the dog crew -- and all but kehoe were very well behaved. kehoe was estatic until dark, when she became very vigilant ("MY oyster party! MINE! MINE!").
we drove all over the most gorgeous terrain on saturday morning, so when we finally stopped in bolinas, kehoe was just thrilled to be out of the car. then, after much bounding, and leaping with all the dogs on the beach, we settled in for a bit of reading and hole digging / sand rolling (guess who did what). and THEN not only do a whole bunch of cool people (more people to play ball!) show up, but her very best friend, pedro comes trotting in and has a quick chew on her head. and to top it all of, what do we do all afternoon but eat and cook and eat.
actually, i guess i was happy for pretty much the same reasons my dog was happy.
:: ewee 1:57:00 PM [+]
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