:: Friday, December 22, 2006 ::
descent through darkness...
it's official -- welcome to the lead-up to the bbq season. we've made it through the longest night, and finally the days start to eke out more of each turn around the sun. which means time to dust off the bbq, and start experimenting with marinades (read: whatever booze i'm drinkin). woohoo!
hm, talk about throwbacks. i just got myself this ten buck version of galaga. and from that i got totally addicted to snood. and from that i found this. my friends were in town and one night i ended up hanging out with jh and playing video and computer games for hours. yeah, we talked and had a good dinner too, but it was kinda nice to just parallel play and hang out.
well, may all your consuming be bright, and best wishes for happy happy whatnots. i'll be glad to just get in some good water time, good foods and time in the sun. (all with good peeps and dogs, o'course...)
:: ewee 12:46:00 PM [+]
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