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:: Friday, March 23, 2007 ::
filmmaker, moi? well, videographer at any rate...thanks to ramin (or his place of werk, anyhow) -- i present to you, my maestrapeace: death to juice box box! (or kehoe's many loves). plus, i gotta keep up with the web 2.0 hoopla and get video on my blog...right?Labels: bask baskie dogs, jumpcut, kehoe, new black, video, web 2.0 :: ewee 1:05:00 PM [+] :: 2 comments :: ...
Labels: bask baskie dogs, jumpcut, kehoe, new black, video, web 2.0
Kehoe rocks! And Kehoe loves rocks especially rocks! But what, no sound? (or is it just my Mac?) -posted by dotorious : 4:34 PM there should be sound. nothing fancy -- just the ambient sound from the video. my next attempt will include a soundtrack... -posted by ewee : 4:35 PM Post a Comment
Kehoe rocks! And Kehoe loves rocks especially rocks! But what, no sound? (or is it just my Mac?)
there should be sound. nothing fancy -- just the ambient sound from the video. my next attempt will include a soundtrack...
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