:: Thursday, June 05, 2008 ::
Bedtime blathering
[Yep that's 325am. Yep i'm up and at em for work this am too.]
Must be my productive ovary kicking in, or it's the approaching launch of dogmo 2.0 (if you remember 'em, the bugs were beta, the current site is 1.0). 7 years is a pretty long life cycle, and I'll going to be glad if/when I can sit back and enjoy 2.0 for anywhere near that time frame. But something's had me cranking out side projects and doing yard- and housework (about time) like crazy...so, ovarian or otherwise, the inspiration is welcome.
Been thinking about design, and how it's about solving a problem, providing answers, that kinda thing.
First, I was giving the jim principle a fair amount of thought: make shtuff you like, enjoy the process and move on. which is cool, not getting wrapped up in external praise (tho I do), and making stuff that you like cuz you like to.
But there's more to it than that, at least a second step (and prolly many many more steps). The whole point of design is to get the client something they want to use. So there's something about that relationship that's not about ego, but that's still about negotiation and balance and bridging. I've still gotta chew on that a bit, because there's definitely a piece in there about making stuff that you love, and having that be the focus (i.e. I need to funnel some of this energy into painting more), but it's also feeling like I've come a long way in the intervening decade. All the jobs and projects and successes and failures have made me both more humble and more confident. Both more aware that I'm in a service/overdelivery field, but also more aware that some projects are not worth taking on.Labels: design, inspiration
:: ewee 9:22:00 AM [+]
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