:: Friday, February 27, 2009 ::
sketches: gassy dog
going back to some older sketches to finish the workweek...this started as a kehoe sketch (i think), and became a kehoe-toki morph. it was prolly inspired by our amazingly gassy dogs (you'd think they'd show discomfort with the noxious fumes they emit). for awhile, i had a series of superheroes that were powered by (natural) gas. they're hilarious enough to me that it's likely they'll reappear in my doodles. the left page was filled with sketches of ppl i saw from the rnc (on tv), including the very few poc's we spotted. the same part of my brain that likes the bangoo jokes, also enjoys the thought of our dogs releasing their gases toward the rnc...
in the two below, i used removable white tape to block out parts of the drawing, and then went back in between the lines (as it were), and under the torn half of the page.
Labels: art, dogs, doodle, one-a-day, painting, sketches
:: ewee 9:27:00 AM [+]
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