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:: Monday, October 01, 2007 ::

bits and pieces from last month's foray. i know i've been busy, cuz i'm about ready to review this month...sigh.

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:: ewee 5:07:00 PM [+] :: 0 comments ::
:: Wednesday, June 20, 2007 ::
work sucks
surprisingly, an interesting list that i stumbled across on amazon's plog (ugh. another not-quite-witticism). but--see!--shopping feeds the mind...kinda.

The 10 worst jobs in science (according to the July issue of Popular Science):
  1. Hazmat Diver. "Just Plain Gross"
  2. Oceanographer. "Most Discouraging"
  3. Elephant Vasectomist. "Most Unwilling Clientele"
  4. Garbologist. "Down and Dirtiest"
  5. Coursework Carcass Preparer. "Most Cold-Blooded"
  6. Microsoft Security Grunt. "Longest To-Do List"
  7. Gravity Research Subject. "Boring and Nauseating"
  8. Olympic Drug Tester. "Most Thankless Occupation"
  9. Forensic Entomologist. "Strongest Stomach"
  10. Whale-Feces Researcher. "Most Seasick"

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:: ewee 10:51:00 AM [+] :: 0 comments ::

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