:: Tuesday, March 24, 2009 ::
39, and a dead bird near my house... this isn't the usual birthday kinda photo, i know. and i don't mean to be morbid or macabre. and this might be a little odd, even for me, but bear with me a bit.
going back some many years--on the day when i ended my college life, and began my (so-called) adult life, and got satchmo (the perfect dog)--there was a dead bird in my path. i had just finished my last final ever (art, i think), and i was addled from lack of sleep, and so when i found the pigeon, i took it to the printmaking studio to sketch from it.
that turned into the day that i got satchmo.
so now i see these sad silent birds as a sign of endings and beginnings. kinda appropos for today. not all bad, not all good. just changing. you know?
note: turns out this is (was) a cedar waxwing, apparently not common in these parts -- thanks to jy for the info!Labels: 39, birthday, change, satchmo
:: ewee 4:59:00 PM [+]