this is the bit o'flash i was playing with all weekend. it's not a real banner, so i had some fun with it--languid pacing, lotsa bitmaps, random call to action (the tax-day reference is the release date for the okami game on the wii...looking forward to it!). it was a busy weekend--i also made this quickie css-skin sample for an existing page. all very imperfect, but fun. feel free to send me your feedback...
ok, this is becoming my favorite grilling thing: marinate the chicken for as long as you can stand it (this was two days in a kinda-kalbi marinade that i've been using on everything), then grill it, and when JUST about done, a thin coat of mayo/wasabi with furakake on top.
last night's version included kimchee stuffed under the skin (sy bought some only-ok kimchee, and i have to use it up!). the salmon also came out tasty. but no photos of those versions (one with kimchee, one without).
lovely day, parts 3.1 and 3.2: the sweet smell of this jasmine comes right into my little sunroom. the irises have exploded and my little pot of scallions are growing like haywire!
[oops. speaking of haywire, flickr's freaking out. i'm gonna go get a bit of a snackin, and see if that doesn't make everything better...yep. snack fixed everything. love when that works. might've been the restart too, but the snack was good.]
my little sunroom has become a hodgepodge of art supplies and delightful chaos. i've been neglecting all else to paint. something that i should've done sooner in my life. but now is better than not at all. the combination of this little sunroom (with its view of the yard) and just making the time (and priority) has made all the difference. i've decided i don't care so much what i paint (or how non-brilliant it might be), as long as i do paint. so i'm letting myself wax sentimental in my paintings ("what a girl!") and also letting myself be as spastic and random and anxious as i want. it's all a bit of a mess, but it feels right. so on the hurdygurdy art machine goes. who knows what it'll churn out next.
lovely day, part 2.2: more painting nonsense...couple paintings in progress. (and there's more where these come from too! but the ones on my easel are even earlier than these, so you'll have to just wait and see...)
this is our dining room table. other than the carrot-tops i've planted (just curious to see what'll happen), the container of nuts (you are what you eat), and the bottle of wine (neglected, and now only sufficiently good for cooking), this table doesn't get much dining action.
guess that's one good thing about eating in front of the tv. and thankfully miz sy is pretty forgiving about my crap out and about (unlike me. poor miz sy...)
lovely day, part 2.1: painting nonsense...and this is just the tip of the iceberg. you should see the horizontal surfaces in our dining room. (wait... why explain what a cameraphone can show?)
some of these little paintings are part of a little gifty for kc from kc (a surprise started a year ago). i think she knows about the gift by now, but hopefully she won't suddenly stumble across my flickr and blog posts ).
part one of lovely day off: tired dogs (after a lovely ramble through redwoods). they've been unwillingly hosed off, and are mostly dry, and mostly clean, so i'm loathe to kick them off the bed (there's also no more sun on the deck, and i can't have my dogs sleeping outside in the cold shade or on our cold hardwood floors, can i??--oh, well, i guess they have their own beds. and the guest bed...)